A downloadable game for Windows

Made for Bored Pixels Jam. Theme: "Space".

I made this with an old high-school friend; he did the art and I did the code. The game isn't entirely pixel, because the GUI isn't in a pixel style. The sprites are pixel style, though.

It's really rough and unfinished. 

It was fun working with someone I haven't worked with before, though.


Bored Pixels.zip 10 MB

Install instructions

Unzip, run.


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Nice work dude! Controls, sound, music, visuals, everything feels very smooth and enjoyable even if the game is unfinished. Can you shed some light on how you made the music? I actually got inspired by that music to make a specific game :D

Thanks for the comment! :D
The music was made in FL Studio. I used 3x Osc for everything, and I just used free presets I got online. As for the melody, I actually don't know any music theory. I just clicked around until I got something I liked.

The music is awesome :D Thank you for sharing.